Uses and applications for the different tanks

At Tankeros we perform the installation and maintenance of water tanks and water storage tanks for fire protection systems, drinking water, waste water and other types of water and fluid accumulation.

Water Storage Tanks for Fire Protection

Fire water tanks

firewater tanks are a key prevention tool
are a key prevention tool in fire fighting systems. Suitable for industries, warehouses, municipalities, etc., they require minimum maintenance. Having the possibility of having thousands of liters of water to extinguish an undesirable fire that could alter the safety of a structure, area, as well as its inhabitants, means having the solution to a catastrophe. In Tankeros we install these fire fighting tanks complying with all the quality requirements.

In this way, industrial companies will be able to have an effective system to prevent fires in their plants or warehouses so that their production lines do not suffer any damage. Our work helps this sector to implement more efficient security measures to protect their business and products.

Spain, together with Portugal and Poland, leads the European ranking in the proliferation of fires. For this reason, having these water reserve tanks means having the resource available more quickly to remedy this serious problem. In addition, the current regulations establish "production centers where flammable or combustible liquids are used, or where the nature and quantity of the materials stored or handled require the design of a water fire protection system". Our service of manufacturing, installation and maintenance of this type of tanks, also provides coverage to companies and industries when complying with the law.

Wastewater storage tanks

Wastewater tanks

Due to the importance of protecting water resources, at Tankeros we are constantly researching and developing efficient, practical and economical
developing efficient, practical and economical products for wastewater
products for wastewater treatment systems. Therefore, we carry out the installation of wastewater tanks.

Wastewater tanks are mainly made of stainless steel plate. Mainly in Stainless Steel AISI 304 and AISI 316.

There are different possibilities within the field of wastewater, either for industrial water or municipal wastewater (we would also include here the possibilities of treatment for drinking water purification):

  • Digesters.
  • Biological reactors.
  • Homogenization tanks and equalizers.
  • Clarifier tanks.
  • Aeration basin.
  • SBRs.
  • Dehydrated Sludge Silos.
  • ATAD tanks.
  • Mud.
  • Sedimentation.
  • Flocculation Tanks.
  • MBBR.
  • Biological Treatment.
  • Raw Waste Storage.
  • Effluent Storage.
  • pH Balancing Tanks.
  • Clarifiers.
  • Containment Tanks.
  • Chlorination Tanks.
  • Sequential Discontinuous Reactors.
Tanques de Agua Potables
Drinking Water Storage Tanks

Potable water tanks

The construction of
drinkingwater tanks in different areas
in different areas is a solution for the health and supply of many populations. Geographical particularities, the climatic conditions of a given territory or simply the fact that supply situations are often complicated in these regions are some of the powerful arguments for installing drinking water storage tanks.

In addition, the installation of this type of tanks in industrial environments favors the supply for human consumption in this type of habitat where there are often supply problems.

At this point, it is convenient to point out that we have all the quality certifications in accordance with the assembly of these tanks. Not surprisingly, in tanks for drinking water, we use butyl or PVC membrane (both are certified for use with drinking water). For this reason, this type of containers will be made of the best materials so that the liquid is not deteriorated by external agents or bacteria. Proof of this is the type of watertight roof that we have implemented so that no other element can enter the interior of the tanks.

Agricultural water storage tanks

Water tanks for agricultural use

We proceed to the manufacture, installation and maintenance of irrigation water tanks, which guarantee an impeccable performance for agricultural tasks and objectives. These irrigation tanks, in the context of cultivated land, are fully suitable for mixing water with various fertilizers to facilitate the work of professionals in this sector. Undoubtedly, agricultural water tanks that meet the highest demands.

Tanks for livestock use: use as drinking water for livestock, for processes within livestock farming, such as cattle washing, cleaning of facilities, slurry storage, etc.

Tanques de Agua para uso Agrario
Industrial water tanks for the food, energy and service sectors.

Industrial tanks for process water

At Tankeros, we manufacture and assemble industrial water tanks. We are talking about tanks with special characteristics and properties that must be designed and manufactured by highly professional specialists. These industrial tanks for process water are very necessary for the secondary sector. Especially in the sections dedicated to food products. They are sterilized, sanitized and disinfected tanks that guarantee the maintenance of the properties of the contents.

For this reason, and knowing the importance of this type of structures and mechanisms for the progress of these sectors and companies, we offer you our knowledge and effort to install industrial tanks in your production environment. For this reason, we take care of its manufacture, paying exhaustive attention to each part or finish of the tank. Request information without obligation to establish a quotation.

Other: compatible liquid storage tanks

Storage Tanks

We also offer our services to produce and assemble storage tanks for other compatible liquids with the appropriate design and manufacturing materials. They are responsible for guaranteeing, in the event of complications in the processes of certain industries, that products continue to be preserved in optimum conditions, ensuring all their qualities through their operation. These liquid storage tanks must be properly maintained and responsibly managed to control their operation.

Request information without obligation to provide you with a quotation for the installation of these industrial service water storage tanks. Our experience guarantees the quality and efficiency of this kind of containers.


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